Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blessed Assurance...

Jesus is mine!  Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!
I grew up going to churches where we sang out of a hymnbook, and many times we sang every verse.  From an early age, I had favorite hymns that I could sing every word of.  Today, many times a passage of Scripture is read (esp from Psalms) and I will sing the rest of it in my head!  :)  I am very thankful for my background in traditional church music.
I also love the more modern worship style...many times using lots of instruments.  In fact, our family goes part of the time to the more traditional service at church and sometimes we go to the more contemporary service.  I love both.  I love how some of the more contemporary songs tend to focus on our feelings to God, how we can express our love to Him.  And it's language like how I talk to God!
But I also love how the more traditional hymns focus on TRUTHS of God, many times using Scripture as the lyrics.  And I want my children to have that background RICH in hymns too.
I remember growing up we'd play Name that Tune a lot in the car where my Dad would whistle a hymn and we would chime in with him when we knew what it was.  We sang a lot as a family in the car. 
Our family does this too, but I've noticed that I tend to play more modern praise music for my kiddos.  My daughter LOVES songs like Mighty To Save, Firm Foundation, and Believe.  But how often do I play traditional hymns for her?  This week I've tried singing some to her...she has loved this and has picked up on them quickly.
So...I'm not a chooser of sides here, and honestly, I don't think it really matters what style you prefer, as long as you are worshipping God the best way you can to bring honor to Him.  BUT...I am going to try to introduce my children to some more hymns because I think they are such a strong foundation to have.

1 comment:

  1. You are blessed to have a family that passed on such a rich legacy. Most kids today have never even heard a hymn and don't have that well to draw from in their hearts. I am glad that I have it, as you do. I am FOREVER grateful for the contemporary praise and worship movement, as it has helped us to more express our hearts to His heart, but I love when an artist from today records a favorite hymn, especially when they add a new worshipful chorus, such as Amazing Grace/ My Chains are Gone...I love this! Glad so many hymns seem to be "coming back". They are dear to many of us and still have tremendous power. I don't know if you listen to much of Travis Cottrell's music, but he is AMAZING at re-vamping and re-orchestrating the hymns. I would suggest that you look up his "I Will Sing of My Redeemer/ You Set me Free" on youtube. Beth Moore actually wrote the lyric to the new chorus. Powerful!!
    Thanks for the post!
