Sunday, September 16, 2012

Church family

This morning church was a juggling act.  My hub and I lead a Young Marrieds Sunday School class and my man has been on a trip for the past four days.  Sooo...getting three kids ready for church was a task in and of itself.  Then my oldest's SS class wasn't meeting so she was in a different class, I didn't want the youngest in the nursery because he is a snotty mess right now (and I don't know if it's teeth or cold), and the middle child was not real excited about me leaving.  Fast forward to me finally getting in to class.  First of all, I'm not comfortable teaching without my hub anyway, second of all I realize I don't have our book with us (no materials at all with me!), and THEN my baby just cries and cries the whole way through class.  I pretty much just wanted to give up!
But...BUT, there's a part of the story I haven't told you.
One of the guys from our small group met me at my car to help me carry stuff in.
Another single mom for the weekend started leading discussion when I had to leave the room.  And the dad I spoke of before chimed right in with her.
The gracious ladies in the nursery loved on my kiddos like you wouldn't believe...even though they had a huge room full of kiddos.
Another mom in my small group walked my baby around for awhile just to give me a break.
All the people in our class had to go get their own chairs.  And they got one for me.  And I don't even think I ever said thanks!
And my inlaws took my big kids out to lunch when we got home!
I don't like to be needy.  At ALL actually.  I would say I hate to depend on others (besides my husband who I am more and more aware that I depend on a LOT!).  But sometimes, we just can't do it all on our own!  We need help!
It was really humbling to me all the people who stepped up to help us.
That, to me, is what church is all about. Serving God which means serving others. Being a family.  Loving God and loving each other.
So blessed to have my church family.

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